Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Friendship Trophy 2013

Friendship Trophy 2013 – Table Tennis

The Brunei Amateur table Tennis Association [BATTA] will again host the friendship Trophy 2013 for table tennis on 10th March 2013 at the Menglait Sports Hall Takraw Courts. This is the third consecutive time the Friendship Trophy has been organized.

Aims and Objectives

i        to ensure that women and girls have equal opportunity to participate in sports in a safe and supportive environment which preserves the sports, dignity and respect for the individual;

ii       to increase involvement of women in the table tennis sport at all levels;

iii      to encourage women and girls to contribute their time, knowledge, experience and values for the development of table tennis sport; and

iv      to recognise the involvement of the female gender in table tennis as a contribution in public life, community development and in building a healthy nation.  


The Friendship Trophy 2013 is open to the female gender domicile in Brunei Darussalam.

The table tennis activities will be held on Sunday 10th March 2013 from 9am to 5pm at the Menglait Sports Hall, Gadong.

The catergories

1         Women's Single and Doubles (Regular Players or players who had participated in table  tennis competitions);

 2         Women's Single and Doubles (Beginners or those have not participated in any table tennis competitions before)

3          Robot Machine Competition for Beginners (20 balls warming up and 20 balls for the actual game; competitors who make good numbers of returns (to be decided based on entries) will advance to the 2nd and subsequent rounds.

            [For categories 1 & 2, all matches will be played to the best of three games.]


 Winners (including runners-up) of the above competitions will be award certificate and gifts.

Entry Fees:

   7.1 Women's single @ $3.00;

   7.2 Women's Double @ $6.00; and

   7.3 Students U21 single and double @ $1.00

Closing date:     1st March 2013

 Draw:                   1st March 2013 [8pm] at the Menglait Sports Complex, Gadong.

Entry forms are available from Mr. Anthony Liew, Secretary General, BATTA contact no. 8781173 or email< batta78@gmail.com>

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